
National JAIN challenge has started - World JAIN challenge will follow

Gathering as much knowledge as possible about promising assistive technologies for dementia is the goal of the JAIN Challenge. First of all, the national JAIN challenge will be organised in the spring of 2021 and in the autumn there will be the World JAIN challenge in which we also participate from INTERDEM (taskforce assistive technology). JAIN stands for Joint Artificial Intelligence Network and the challenge is a biennial competition for developed technical products and services based on artificial intelligence, which support the quality of life and independence of people with dementia and their caregivers and reduce the workload for professionals, families and caregivers. Participants in the national JAIN challenge include Prof. Erik Scherder, Prof. Catholijn Jonker, Prof. Dick Swaab and Marco Blom (Alzheimer Nederland). More information and how to register can be found at the JAIN website.

Ageing and Technology – creating a vision in times of digitization

Our report on Ageing and Technology – creating a vision in times of digitization (Meiβner (ed), 2020) has been released. This report was commissioned by the Joint Programme Initiative "More Years, Better Lives", with the aim of developing in a short period of time a common vision of care in times of digitization by experts from different countries and disciplines and to investigate the contribution new and emerging technologies can make to a good life. This report can contribute to a vision on policy development, resource allocation and research efforts in this area direction.

Meeting centers offer new eHealth interventions

In August 2020, the article was published describing the link of two new eHealth interventions to the offer of Meeting Centers. The interventions described were Dementelcoach (telephone coaching of informal carers by experts in psychogeriatric care) and the STAR e-learning course (an online course for informal carers, volunteers and professional carers on medical, functional and psychosocial consequences of dementia and how to deal with them. During the implementation, the following were of particular importance: staff and financial resources and matching the intervention to regional needs and preferences. Van Rijn A., Meiland F., & Dröes, RM. (2020) Linking two new E-health caregiver interventions to meeting centres for people with dementia and their carers; a process evaluation, Aging & Mental Health, 24:8, 1316-1325 Van Rijn A., Meiland F., & Dröes, RM. (2020) Linking two new E-health caregiver interventions to meeting centres for people with dementia and their carers; a process evaluation, Aging & Mental Health, 24:8, 1316-1325